Besuch bei CAFNIMA
Dear Rainer and friends:
We are very happy to hear the news of a new year for our agricultural work. We will write the the letter of thanks to Erbacher and provide a the year report with a lot of photos.
The Institute has 170 students this years and we have had only 2 students have deserted so far, so we are very happy with the results this year. We are complementing the formal studies this years with additional activities and courses like sex education, education on job interviews and labor laws that are often irrespected in the country, a course with the parent of the 7th grade on how be better parents, addicional math, etc… and we are very happy for this quality.
Rainer, due to the quality of our work, the German embassy ask us to bring Mr. Hans-Joachim Fuchtel, Secretario de Estado Parlamentario del Ministro Federal alemán de Cooperación Económica y Desarrollo, that was in a visit in Guatemala 3 weeks ago. I presented him the work we do with the youngsters in the Instittuto Rainer and they were very pleased. a big german delegation came. The list is as follows:
- Ulrike Metzger, Jefa de División para Política regional de desarrollo para América Central, Caribe y México del Ministerio Federal alemán de Cooperación Económica y Desarrollo
- Cornelia Groehn, Directora de la Oficina del Secretario de Estado Parlamentario Hans-Joachim Fuchtel
- Markus Rosenberger, Director para América Latina de la Fundación Konrad Adenauer
- Michael Herbst, Director de la Sección Jurídica de la Christoffel-Blindenmission
- Dr. Christian von Haldenwang, Director del Instituto de Política de Desarrollo
- Prof. Dr. Jörg Faust, Director del Instituto Alemán de Evaluación de la Cooperación para el Desarrollo (DEval)
- Dr. Thomas Cieslik, Jefe Cooperación Embajada de Alemania
- Rubeena Esmail-Arndt, GIZ
- Claudia Flores, GIZ
I am including son pictures and in two of them you will see the students of the institute talking with members of the delegation and the older man in the picutres is Mr. Fuchstel. On the front door on the arrival of the delegation we putted the sign of the Instituto Rainer. I think it would be good that you contact Mr. Fuchtel in Germany to tell him you support the work to prevent violence in Guatemala through CAFNIMA. We had a german volunteer of the Jurgen Wahn and he also saw the kingergarten and the new kindergarten that they support in one community beside the dump. This small facility was inaugurated last friday with the presence of the first lady of Guatemala. The wife of the president, as SOSEP,consider our kindergartens one of the highest quality in the country. This includes the kindergarten in Lomas that you support with SOSEP.
Maybe you can use this info.
Greetings and our best wishes for you all.