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Neues Projekt in Vietnam

5. Februar 2013

2013/1/21 Rainer Sanchez <>

Dear Elisabeth, dear Irene,
it’s a little strange for me to write you in English- but it is in view of a better understanding for my collegues.
I hope you are all well. I have communicated the content of your annual report to all our followers and the result has been quite positive.
Therefore we made transfer of 10.000.– US$ last thursday to your account as usual. Please let me know the receipt
and – if possible- what this money will be used for.
All best wishes for you and all friends


Dear Rainer, Gaby and friends,

Just a few words to let you know that we did received your donation a last week. But we are really busy with all the preparations of Chinese new year for February 10th. So I totally forgot to write.
I send to you the plans of the house, we shall start the construction in march,your donation will be used for that purpose.
If everything goes according to plan, it should be completed by October.
Thank you very much for your support and a bit in advance we wish you the best for the year of the snake.
Irene Duarte